Upgrade from Kibana 6.0.1 to 6.1.0 / Include Search bar in embed=true mode in version 6.0.1

Hello Everyone

I have working setup with Elastic Search version 6.0.0 and Kibana 6.0.1 now i am planning to upgrade the setup to Kibana 6.1.x so what things/steps/procedure needs to be followed to achieve this so that current working setup doesn't breaks.

Thank You in advance,

You should first review the breaking changes to see if that would affect you in any way:

This guide should cover you pretty well: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elastic-stack/current/upgrading-elastic-stack.html
But my guess is it will be pretty straightforward as we try not to have breaking changes between minor versions.

Thank you for your reply @Marius_Dragomir

How should i proceed with upgrade procedure using rpm. Like what should be taken care of so as to keep everything stable. I have downloaded rpm package now before installing what needs to be taken care of and how should i proceed. Like what steps are to be performed to upgrade successfully without any data loss


Also, which folders i have to copy on to new tar package of elastic search that will recover all the data of old setup and that will resolve kibana version issue.


@Sam12, you might want to read through this issue before upgrading...

6.2 introduced even more issues...

It is definitely recommended to tryout the newer versions on a test system before making the change.

Thank you so much for your reply @rcowart. Actually I didnt wanted to upgrade the existing version but i want to have a search bar in embed=true mode and one of the plugin developed out there is working with 6.1.x version. If anyone here can help me with work around or some source code change which i can make so that search bar is included on dashboard in embed=true mode


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