Upload more then one log in Kibana

Hello I have a question I am new to the whole topic and now have the problem. That I can only upload a log for a visualization. So my concrete question is how I can load more than one log file on the one hand when creating upload or indexing (do not know if this is so correct) and on the other hand how I subsequently add to an example dashboard or so new data? Hope you understand what I mean. To the current construct I have currently only test logs locally on my computer lying, which I insert manually and in the future these logs should lie on a server and be read automatically. To then be analyzed according to Schema F and visually represented. If you need more or other info let me know.

With friendly and anticipatory greetings Görkem

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This translation is not working and its not clear what you are asking for. Can you please try to ask your question in your mother tongue?


Ich würde gerne, über Kibana Log daten auswerten. Kann aber aktuell nur eine Log datei gleichzeitig auswerten. Sprich wenn eine neue Log Datei kommt muss ich diese neu einlesen mit einem Index neu indexieren und immer wieder die runtimefields etc. erstellen. Gibt es nicht einen weg ein bestehendes Dashboard oder so mit daten zu erweitern ?

I would like to evaluate log data via Kibana. But can currently only evaluate one log file at a time. So when a new log file comes I have to re-read it with a new index and create the runtimefields etc. again and again. Is there not a way to extend an existing dashboard or so with data ?

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