I have a list of Boolean values representing options my users have taken on my site. Something like:
- Option A: Boolean ( True / False )
- Option B: Boolean ( True / False )
- Option C: Boolean ( True / False )
(In reality, i have 18 options)
The options are not mutually exclusive, and can be used in any combination.
I am looking to make 2 visualizations:
- A chart representing how many times every combination exists (is True). A Bar-chart could look like this:
A + B + C ----------------------------
A + C ----------------
B + C --------------------
A ---
B ------------------------------------
C -
- A chart showing the number of times each option is represented (is True) in general. A bar chart example could look like this:
A --------------------------- 68.000
B -------- 18.000
C ---------------- 39.600