X-Pack Monitoring. Data Missing

I have 2 Logstash nodes and an Elasticsearch Cluster of 3 Nodes. All are configured for X-Pack Monitoring along with Kibana.
I wanted to validate the fail over mechanism for the Elasticsearch cluster configuration, so I stopped one of the Elasticsearch nodes for 20 mins and started it back again. But the monitoring data of all nodes in cluster and also the 2 Logstash instances is missing.

Why is the data of other two Elasticsearch and Logstash nodes missing?

After i bring up the Elasticsearch node, the status changes from red to yellow and after the index syncs up turns green.

Thanks in advance!

For ES cluster missing monitoring data when one of the 3 nodes is stopped. Can you verify x-pack was installed on all nodes (bin/elasticsearch-plugin list), and is not disabled in elasticsearch.yml with setting xpack.monitoring.enabled: false?
Regarding logstash not sending monitoring data, can you verify xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.url setting in logstash.yml contains the URL of all 3 nodes?
Beside this, if this is a reproducible issue when stopping the node again, please check the cluster health (in particular monitoring indices /_cat/indices) is not red when the node is down (should not happen unless indices use 0 replica - if index is red no write operation will be possible on that index)
Also check logs of ES and logstash for more information as there could be information there.

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