X-PACK Monitoring with Reporting Disabled Warning

I am using the x-pack monitoring module with all other x-pack modules disabled in Elasticsearch & Kibana.
All works fine, but getting this constant warning message in the Kibana logs:

log   [warning][kibana-monitoring][monitoring-ui] Unable to fetch data from reporting_stats collector
error  [warning][process] TypeError: Cannot read property 'result' of undefined

error [warning][kibana-monitoring][monitoring-ui] /usr/share/kibana/plugins/x- pack/plugins/reporting/export_types/csv/server/lib/generate_csv.js:51
for await (const hit of iterator) {

Is there some way to prevent Monitoring from trying to fetch data from the reporting_stats collector?

Hi there, which version of the stack are you using?



This is ES 6.2.2 with Kibana 6.2.2

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