Elasticsearch logo spinning 7.11 -EKS1.19

Recently installed Elasticsearch kibana 7.11 on EKS. The node health is green as well. Only issue iam facing is that when I log into kibana the logo which appears on the left hand top corner before the verbiage elastic keeps spinning not sure what exactly is causing this. Any help is appreciated

Iam observing this from edge browser... Logged into chrome and didnt face this issue, Is edge not recommended for Kibana ?


The old version of Edge is not supported by Kibana, indeed. The new Chromium based one should be supported.
Which one are you using?

The edge started working I cleaned up the sessions and refreshed the browser it seems to be working.. This is the edge version "Microsoft Edge: Version 92.0.902.62 (Official build) (64-bit)"...

That is a supported browser so if you any more problems with it, let us know.

sure, Thanks


Did you clear your browser cache ?



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