Error during Marvel 2.0 UI plugin installation

Hi - I had just installed a fresh Elasticsearch 2.0 and Kibana 4.3 snapshot for evaluation and thought I'd add Marvel on as well.. but I get the following when attempting to install the UI plugin

root@sin-cpt-sl-elk2-dev:~/kibana-4.3.0-snapshot-linux-x64# bin/kibana plugin --install elasticsearch/marvel/latest
Installing marvel
Attempting to extract from
Downloading 1498411 bytes....................
Extraction complete
Optimizing and caching browser bundles...
Plugin installation was unsuccessful due to error "Optimizations failure.

    ERROR in ./installedPlugins/.plugin.installing/public/views/overview/index.js
    Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module 'angular-bindonce' in /home/sintrex/kibana-4.3.0-snapshot-linux-x64/installedPlugins/.plugin.installing/public/views/overview
     @ ./installedPlugins/.plugin.installing/public/views/overview/index.js 11:2-29

Any ideas ?

I tried npm install -g angular-bindonce , but it made no difference.

Update: I downloaded Kibana 4.2.1 and managed to install the Marvel plugin without problems , but when I then tried to install the TimeLion plugin (which I had allready installed in 4.3) , I got a similar 'Cannot resolve module' error.

So - Either Marvel and TimeLion does not play nice together ... or its Kibanas handling of multiple user installed plugins that has issues

I have the same problem,

At this time Marvel plugin is compatible with Kibana 4.2.1.

Snapshot builds can break compatibility with already released plugins like Marvel 2.0 so there's no guarantee both works together.

-- Tanguy