Fleet Agent Upgrade

When using Fleet to upgrade the Elastic Agent, Kibana and Elasticsearch needed to bu upgraded first, before the Agent Upgrade becomes available according to the docs.

If I upgrade Kibana/Elasticsearch from 8.11.1 to 8.11.3, the only available Agent upgrade is to version 8.11.2 instead it should be 8.11.3 right?

I appreciate any advice. Thank you

Hi @Alphayeeeet

Take a look at this...

Under the known issues there are instructions to address

Known issues

Current stack version is not in the list of Elastic Agent versions in Kibana Fleet UI


On the Fleet UI in Kibana:

  • When adding a new Elastic Agent, the user interface shows a previous version instead of the current version.
  • When you attempt an upgrade, the modal window shows an earlier version as the latest version.

Hi @stephenb

unfortunately the provided link does not work.

I found the mentioned site, but unfortunately the workaround does not work, because thh Upgrade Agent button is greyed out (Kibana is running 8.11.4; Agents are running 8.11.3). I assume, that this issue is fixed, when upgrading to the next minor version 8.12.0

You can use the API to request a bulk upgrade as described in the same documenttion.

For example:

POST kbn:/api/fleet/agents/bulk_upgrade
  "agents": "fleet-agents.policy_id:uuid1-uuid2-uuid3-uuid4 and fleet-agents.agent.version<8.11.4",
  "version": "8.11.4"

This doesn't quite work, as Kibana wants me to upgrade fleetserver first. If i use a filter criteria fro fleetserver, the error says it cannot upgrade due to not upgraded fleetserver.

Agent version cannot be ahead of fleet version as far as I know.
Yes if you want to run agent 8.11.4 you need fleet at that same release.

What is your fleet server? You should keep it in the same version as Kibana.

You may need to upgrade it using the command line as well using elastic-agent upgrade 8.11.4 on your server.

I know I can upgrade using command line, but I will wait until we're upgrading to Elastic 8.12.x. The issue should then be fixed, I think.

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