How is the agent upgrade availability is detected in fleet env (on-prem)

Elastic 3 node Linux cluster on prem, with some Elastic Agent managed by a fleet server.
I've upgraded the whole stack from 8.11.3 to 8.12 (Elasticsearch, kibana and fleet server). Now I would like to upgrade all the agents but the update to 8.12 is not proposed in Kibana gui under the Fleet management panel. and the "upgrade agent" option is greyed out.

My env is air-gaped, so I use my own binary repository (updated with latest agent packages and set up in fleet policy) and if I try to manually upgrade via command line an Agent it upgrades successfully (with command: /opt/Elastic/Agent/elastic-agent upgrade 8.12.0

Looking for somebody with the same problem here, I've found and followed this guide thinking my problem could be this one:
Fleet and Elastic Agent 8.12.1 | Fleet and Elastic Agent Guide [8.12] | Elastic)

But nothing changes.

So, does somebody know how the Fleet UI understand that a new Agent version is available and propose the upgrade? Is this an operation done by Fleet server or Kibana?

Thank you for the support!


Well, I reply to myself..
I've updated Kibana from 8.12.0 to 8.12.2 and now the problem disappear.

Probably a bug in Kibana 8.12.0

Hi Marco, welcome to the community!

Yes, this seems to be the known issue in 8.12.0 and 8.12.1 that you linked.

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