How to make embeded visualizations uneditable

I have embed my visualization iframe into web page. But it is allowing users to edit it which in turn giving error as I am using scripted field. Is there any way to disable the interactivity with the visualization?


Hi Raji, I just want to confirm something first. Are you using the iframe link provided under the "Share" menu? If so, then can you tell me how users are interacting with it to edit it? For example, is it a pie chart and they're clicking on slices to add filters? Which version of Kibana are you using?

Screenshots would also be helpful.


I am using Kibana 5.3.2 and yes, I am using the iframe link under share menu.
When I am using Iframe link to embed my bar chart on the web page I am able to interact with it by clicking on the bars and I don't want this to happen. Also I could see filters on the embedded bar chart as shown in the screenshot, is there any way around it to make it invisible?

Ah, I see. Sorry unfortunately there's no way to remove that filter bar from embedded visualizations. Please feel free to open a feature request on our GitHub repo.


Thanks for your response. I have another question.
Is it possible to make visualization from different indices?
I have different indices with similar data so I want to make a visualization using it. For example I am using care_search index to create visualization, can I use regex to create visualization from two different indices (say care_search and bst_search)?


Hi Raji, you would need create an index pattern which contains a wildcard that can match all of your indices, and then create your visualization using this index pattern. For example, an index pattern of *_search should match your care_search and bst_search indices.


What if I have care_search, bst_search and xyz_search but I only want to search care_search and bst search.

My URL to create visualization for care_search:!(('$$hashKey':'object:123','$state':(store:appState),meta:(alias:!n,disabled:!f,index:carefirst_search,key:auth.benefitTypeCode,negate:!f,value:Medical),query:(match:(auth.benefitTypeCode:(query:Medical,type:phrase)))),('$$hashKey':'object:13130','$state':(store:appState),meta:(alias:!n,disabled:!f,index:carefirst_search,key:query,negate:!f,value:'%7B%22range%22:%7B%22auth.receivedDate%22:%7B%22format%22:%22MM%2Fdd%2Fyyyy%22,%22gte%22:%221%2F1%2F2017%22,%22lte%22:%2207%2F18%2F2018%22%7D%7D%7D'),query:(range:(auth.receivedDate:(format:MM%2Fdd%2Fyyyy,gte:'1%2F1%2F2017',lte:'07%2F18%2F2018'))))),linked:!f,query:(query_string:(analyze_wildcard:!t,query:'*')),uiState:(vis:(legendOpen:!f)),vis:(aggs:!((enabled:!t,id:'1',params:(),schema:metric,type:count),(enabled:!t,id:'2',params:(customInterval:'2h',extended_bounds:(),field:auth.receivedDate,interval:M,min_doc_count:1),schema:segment,type:date_histogram)),listeners:(),params:(addLegend:!t,addTimeMarker:!f,addTooltip:!t,defaultYExtents:!f,legendPosition:right,mode:stacked,scale:linear,setYExtents:!f,times:!()),title:'New%20Visualization',type:histogram))

Hi Raji, index patterns only support wildcards and regular strings as matching mechanisms, so I think your best option is to duplicate the indices you want to match against and name them in such a way as to leverage these tools. For example, care_search could be duplicated as care_search_vis and bst_search could be duplicated as bst_search_vis and you could match these with a *_vis index pattern.

Thank you for the response.

Can I know if there is any way I can get the no.of hits from the graph Link.

I'm not very familiar with Graph but based on the getting started docs, it doesn't look like it provides that information.

Sorry my bad it is actually a vertical bar chart.

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