Kibana_dashboard_only_user - How can the user change their own password? Option not available after login

Hey everyone,

I have created a user with the role: kibana_dashboard_only_user
And limited its access to specific documents and indices.

Works like a charm! (little hurdle, fixed by removing { "query": from the DSL query)

I assumed (wrongly) that the user would still be able to change the password.
Nope, so I thought it needed the default kibana_user .
Nope, I can only change the password of the user from the Management tab.
When I log in as the user I cannot change its password.

We are running Version 6.1.1.

So the question, how can I get the benefits of the kibana_dashboard_only_user AND that the user can change its own password?

Thanks in advance!


Can you please log this as a feature request here?



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