Kibana Table visualization for different weeks,showing reports for current date

Hello All,

I'm not sure how this can be achieved through kibana table visualization,I want to display the
converter details in accordance to week wise and the date displayed should always be current date.
KW-calendar week.
For every column shown in table I have got filed created from backend,but not sure how can this be achived in kibana table.
Fileds ex:,converter.week,converter.reportingdate,converter.count,converter.lessthan5min...etc

Any help and suggestion would be helpful.Can this be achieved through enhanced table some how.(Kibana 7.9.1)


unfortunately it's not possible at the moment. You could try with some scripting in Vega, but it's not a trivial problem.

Hi @Marta_Bondyra ,

Is this possible through vega ,If yes then how can this be achieved or any alernative to represent data.

I've was able to make desired visual using enhanced data table ,but I'm concerned if I would select large data set suppose timerange from 6 months to year and try to see data for each week,willit cause me bucketing issue ? ,This is for now not tested for real time data.

Below are the Images how I acheived to make the visual,Here I have splited table using date histogram weekly,then split again using terms aggregation on timestamp.Here if spliting on time stamp will or will not cause issue,how can this be determined for huge data set of 6 months to year.



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