Regarding Kibana : Calendar Visualization and Filtering

I am a CS undergraduate student of CET, Bhubaneswar.
I want to work on 'Kibana: Calendar Visualisation and Filtering' project.
I have experience in full-stack development in Node JS , React JS. I have hands-on experience with these frameworks as i have been working on them since a couple of years.
I would like to know about the ideas and tasks that
needs to be done as part of GSoC and I seek suggestions for
picking up my first issue to contribute.


Thanks for your interest! Did you have a look at"low+hanging+fruit"? Currently there are 81 open issues marked as "low hanging". There might be too much choice, but I guess you could find one that is both interesting and sounds solvable?

My name is Saurabh and I am from IET Lucknow.I am interested in contributing in this project.I have some experience in React and I know basic Node.

Great! Details at and don't forget — the two most important things are:

  1. The pull request for the project you want to contribute to.
  2. A good project description showing what you will be working on in 3 months.

I'm Hanqing and I'm a CS student at the University of Minnesota. I feel pumped for this project! I have full stack development experience in React, Node and I'm happy to learn Kibana. I will pick up some interesting issues in low hanging fruit to try to solve.

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Hello @a5a mam! I would like your suggestion in the Calendar Visualization project. I have started solving the issues and made a couple of PRs . I will be highly obliged for suggestions related to this project or DM in IRC for discussing the project related things.
Thank you.

I have made the following PRs -

  1. #16833
  2. #16811

I want some suggestions in taking up issues related to this project.
Thank you!

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@vedularaghu great progress on the PRs :slight_smile:

No need to ping anybody directly since we might still switch mentors (it's all a bit in progress right now). Also we have our annual conference ElasticON in San Francisco next week, so responses will be a bit slower in the next 10 days.
If you have any specific questions, post them and we'll answer. Otherwise focus on the PR(s) and explore how you could implement the feature; which will probably lead to questions, which we can then answer :wink:

Okay! Can you give some sample data for making a calendar visualisation component?


I'm working on a new feature and I wonder which IE versions to test against, I've asked it in IRC but didn't get the response, thank you for your help!

@aaronoah check the list of supported browsers at

@vedularaghu let us get back to you with a proper answer next week. We're having our annual conference Elastic{ON} in San Francisco right now and everybody is super busy with that.

Hello! Are there any updates regarding the assignment of mentors?

@vedularaghu good news, we actually have 3 mentors for this project: 2 people from the Kibana visualization team for the technical side and one of our education engineers is the driver of the idea, who has also the need for this visualization.

I'm not sure what sample data you are looking for. We want to visualize single day or multi-day events; be sure to check out the relevant data types in Elasticsearch for that. And then we want to visualize this on a calendar. That could be a heatmap if there are a lot of events with lots of overlap or just marking specific days. If you look at other calendar visualizations that would also be a good starting point. We want to have this functionality in Kibana.
Does that answer your question?

Can i contact mentors directly for discussing more about the idea and proposal?

@vedularaghu is it necessary?

  • For general questions I'd prefer discuss, so that we won't have to repeat the answers.
  • If you have a project proposal that you want to get feedback on, we can do that in a non-public channel. You could create a Google Doc and invite the relevant people to be able to add comments (see screenshot below).

For this project that should be philipp, tim.roes, thomas, and daniel.schneiter each with

Okay! Thank you.

I am Pranay Ankit Tiru, a third year computer engineering undergraduate at IIITDM Kancheepuram. I want to work on 'Kibana: Calendar Visualisation and Filtering' project. How should I get started for this?

@pranay414 have you looked at
Most important things are a pull request (for Kibana if you want to work on the calendar visualization) and a description of what you want to do in your project. Mockups (since it's a visual project) and any research around existing solutions, which you can reuse for inspiration / the general approach, are definitely a plus.

@xeraa Yes, I looked into it. I'm on way to submit my first PR.

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I am Shankar. I am doing my second year of my undergraduate studies with my in Electronics and Communications Engineering at LNMIIT Jaipur. I am interested on working on 'Kibana: Calendar Visualisation and Filtering' project. How do I get started and how shall I get my PR reviewed?
PS: My PR is still under progress.