Updating from 7.10 to 7.13


I have a single node environment:

On Server:

Elasticsearch 7.10
Kibana 7.10
logstash 7.10

On Clients:

packetbeat and winlogbeat both 7.10 versions.

1- How can I update to the latest version? Is there a single way to update all automatically? or should I update one by one?

2- Does updating means reproducing the installation steps (reinstalling)?

3- After updating are the new config options like in elasticsearch.yml are appended to the old config or should I replace the new config with the old one?

I would appreciate it if there is any help video or an easy documentation on this, as elastic documentation seems confusing to me.


  1. Depends how you installed things.
  2. No.
  3. You shouldn't have anything to worry about in minor version upgrades.

Thanks @warkolm

1- I've installed the stack locally (not cloud) Free Basic License and just as listed on elastic documentation step by step.

Any idea on updating such an environment?


The upgrade documentation is all you should need - Upgrading the Elastic Stack | Installation and Upgrade Guide [7.13] | Elastic

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