Uprading Elastic search upgrade from 6.6.1 to 7.16.3

Uprading Elastic search upgrade from 6.6.1 to 7.16.3 in Bitbucket datacenter cluster nodes we are facing challenges can please help for proper documentation for Upgrading Elastic search Instructions,
It will help us for successful upgradation from 6.6.1 to 7.16.3.


You should look to upgrade to the latest 7.17 release, not 7.16.3. As described in the documentation you need to first upgrade to 6.8 and run the migration assistamt to identifying any potential issues. Once you have rectified these (if any) you can upgrade to 7.17.

Hello Christian,

Thanks for your response,

Basically for bitbucket Elasticsearch supported version is 7.16.3.
So we plan that accordingly for upgrading the Elasticsearch from 6.6.1 to 7.16.3.
And also we are successfully upgraded directly in Dev and Elasticsearch is working Fine .
But the Thing we need to know about what will impacts on direct upgrading to 7.16.3. can we replicate that or we need to address any checks could you please help me out for this finding the solution.

As per the docs I linked to it seems directly upgrading from 6.6.1 to 7.17 (may also apply to 7.16) might (have never tried this) be possible as long as you do so through a full cluster restart and make sure you do not have any indices created in Elasticsearch 5.x in the cluster.

I would however recommend going to 6.8 first and then to 7.17 so you can make sure there are no issues. If you go to 7.16 you will not be able to go on to 8.x as upgrading to 7.17 is required as a step on the way.

I am not familiar with bitbucket, but if they do not support the versions required for safe upgrades I would look to host somewhere else.

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