Why is TSVB being depricated

well the main question what is the main reason behind deprecation of TSVB and what will be going to be the alternative solution?

TSVB is such a nice feature, it would give the opportunity to search on your data in one place, and made it available to for example dynamically change the time interval or, having separate columns for different time series and ...

They are migrating TVSB to Lens. The issue is they introduced Lens without fully replacing all of TVSB features. So, until then, they will not remove TVSB.

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Thanks for the reply.
Just one more question, Where can i read about elk future plans and changes, some sore of roadmap to know what is expected in future updates?

Hi We / Elastic do not provide release dates / features etc.

BUT we are an open code model so you can look at the Kibana GitHub Repo


Looks like creating new TSVB will be disabled in 9.0 .. or at least that is what the issue implies...

Understood. Thanks.

tsvb was good. if I select time interval 5 min and then have 30 days of data all data point are still 5 min interval

in lens it is not the case. even if you have 5 min interval and overall windows is bigger then lets say 7 days it will automatically adjust and give you 30 min interval.

if there any other viz that can do that in kibana. hopefully there is plan in place to do that in lens.

Hmmmmm not sure if fixed interval is coming...

You may / probably are good at that but lots of folks crush their clusters with fixed interval some user comes along and says 1 minute for 30 days... ugh...

You can normalize per minute etc even on 7-30 days etc

Not the same... but can be useful.

not really it does not work. for example here is my selection

and for 7 days graph shows 15 min on X

but as soon as I go 30 days graph on X changes to 30 min. here are two image for it

While TSVB keep same interval for 30 days. same index, same selection etc..

yes I understood what I was showing is that you can normalized the rate if you like...