X-pack installation

I want to install x-pack and the first step in the installation steps that install x-pack into elasticsearch
i installed the msi package of elasticsearch and mark on x-pack through installation after that the elaticsearch is already installed but i don't know what i do with the command in the picture bellow and how i can complete
can anyone help me ?
thanks in advance :slight_smile:

You can ignore the first step :slight_smile:

so what is the command in the red circle in the next step and what i should do with it to start elasticsearch

You need to start Elasticsearch, so that is the best way.
You can also check out https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/6.2/windows.html

I did the steps in the article you put when i insatlled elasticsearch then open kibana and then install x-pack into kibana but now i don't know how can i create index? and how to add data and logs to send to kibana dashboard?

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