Y-axis string,legend not visible in kibana reporting

Xpack reporting having issues with y-axis and legends ,please help me on this. Please refer to the attachment.

  1. y-axis upper and lower value , only half is visible
  2. legends are half cut.

That's certainly a bug in the generation. What version of the stack are you running?

Kibana 5.2.1
Elastic 5.2.1
Xpack 2.0- Trial version

Actually, I'm curious if the legend values are also cut off in Kibana. When you look at these in Visualize or Dashboard, can you see the full legend values?

Yes,we can see it in dashboard and visualize.But not in reporting pdf.

And also getting x-axis error.

When we have set aggregation as date histrogram the x-axis is also cut

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