Fleet allows agent upgrades higher than cluster version


In previous versions of Elastic the highest available version for upgrading Elastic Agent in fleet was the version of the cluster itself however the newer versions allow upgrading to the latest release version.

Is this expected as the documentation states the Agent cannot be higher version than the cluster itself and if this is the case it shouldn't be allowed in Fleet either.

Our cluster is 8.16.3 but the dropdown lets us go to v9

Can someone please clarify?


If you select any version higher than 8.16.X will it show the upgrade button as available or will it be greyed out?

If I'm not wrong the versions available comes from the Elastic Package Registry, but the Fleet Server has some logic to block upgrades when the minor version is higher than the current Fleet Server.

I manage 2 clusters, one on 8.15.2 and another one on 8.17.2, both will make the upgrade button not available if I select a version where the minor or major version is higher than the current one.

For example, 8.16.X for the 8.15.2 cluster and 9.0.0 for the 8.17.2 cluster.

On a cluster version 8.15.2, it correctly allows me to upgrade to 8.15.5.

But if I select a version where the minor or major version is higher than 8.15.X, it will not allow me to upgrade.

Same thing on a cluster on version 8.17.2 if I try to upgrade to 9.0.0.