Unable to install markdown & handlebars plugin in kibana

I have been trying to install sw-jung/kibana_markdown_doc_view in windows.

Command used: **kibana-plugin install https://github.com/sw-jung/kibana_markdown_doc_view/releases/download/v6.2.4/markdown_doc_view-6.2.4.zip**

But when is use
Kibana 7.9 or below I get error as : Plugin installation was unsuccessful due to error "Plugin markdown_doc_view [6.2.4] is incompatible with Kibana [7.9.0]"

For Kibana 7.10 or above I get error as : Plugin installation was unsuccessful due to error "No kibana plugins found in archive".

Kindly help me to resolve the issue

Kibana 7.9 is EOL and no longer supported. Please upgrade ASAP.

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