Where to find a list of newly added integrations for per release?


With every new release of Elastic since Integrations/Fleet were added, there have been new integrations added (from what I can tell). Is there a place I can find a list of integrations and in what release they were added?

I checked here, but this location doesn't have anything.

I found this issue, but I don't think this directly applies here.

Closest I can find is by searching GH issues with the version, enhancement, and is closed. But I would think there would be a better way.

Thanks for the information @aaron-nimocks. Do you think this would be worth a feature/enhancement request?

I guess since it's been a few days and no answers then it could make a good enhancement request if you wanted to make one. I'd think the best way would be to mark new integrations with a NEW badge and sticky on top on the documentation and in Kibana.

Thanks @aaron-nimocks, I've opened Track Newly Released Integrations per Elastic Release · Issue #2333 · elastic/integrations · GitHub for this.

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