How can I install a specific kibana version in homebrew?

I installed a specific Elasticsearch version (7.9.3) in homebrew. That's the pinned version we run. As a result I have to install a matching kibana version.
Doing homebrew search kibana, I only got kibana-full(7.14), kibana(7.10) and kibana@6(6.8). None of them worked. How am I supposed to install a matching kibana that matches Elasticsearch version 7.9.3 through homebrew?

Kibana is released in homebrew under elastic/tap. See Install Kibana on macOS with Homebrew | Kibana Guide [7.15] | Elastic for more details

I've tried before and couldn't figure it out. Seems there are only those 3 packages available.

When I need to install a specific version I usually just manually download and run.

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